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MR Compatible Cortical Grid Electrodes: In patients requiring brain surgery, intracranial electrocortical (ECoG) recording and stimulation can provide unique knowledge about a patient’s functional brain anatomy, including measurement of neuropathic electrical activity (e.g., epileptic spikes and seizures). ECoG may allow for the mapping of brain function through temporary disruption or activation using electrocortical stimulation (ECS). Standard intracranial electrodes cause significant artifacts in both CT and MRI images, and concern about safety risks such as cortical heating have generally precluded obtaining additional diagnostic MRIs in patients after electrode implantation. Dr. Bonmassar has developed and tested a novel MRI-compatible and biocompatible cortical electrode grid using polymer thick film organic substrate (PTFOS) technology. The MR-compatible PTFOS cortical electrode grid is patient-specific, organic-absorbable, stretchable, and conformable for optimal biocompatibility, safety, and performance. In the longer term, we will extend the technology to provide significant benefits to patients with central nervous system injury who may require neural implantations for brain-machine interfaces, pain treatment, cochlear implants, bionic eyes, deep-brain stimulators, and pacemakers.

  • Roelfsema PR, Arsenault JT, Bonmassar G, Vanduffel W. Bottom-up dependent gating of frontal signals in early visual cortex. Science. 2008;321(5887):414-417. PMID: 18635806.
  • Bonmassar G, Fujimoto K, and Golby A, PTFOS: Flexible and Absorbable Intracranial Electrodes for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. PLoS ONE 7(9): e41187. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 2012. PMID: 22984396.
  • Iacono, M.I., et al., Bonmassar G. A Study on the Feasibility of the Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Electrode Localization Based on Scalp Electric Potential Recordings. Front Physiol, 2018. 9: p. 1788. PMID: 30662407.
  • Ahmadi E, Katnani HA, Besheli, LD, Gu Q, Atefi R, Villeneuve MY, Eskandar E, Lev MH, Golby AJ, Gupta R, Bonmassar G. An electrocorticography grid using conductive nanoparticles in a polymer-thick film on an organic substrate improves CT and MR imaging. Radiology. 2016 Aug;280(2):595-601. PMID: 26844363.

High-field One System: Mr. Millan and Dr. Bonmassar have led the development of the High-field One (HF-1) system for simultaneous electrophysiology recording during high-field MRI. HF-1 is released as an “open-source” hardware and software platform that can be found here. HF-1 has been tested in human EEG/fMRI studies at 3 and 7 Tesla examining the auditory system, visual system, sleep physiology, and anesthesia, as well as in intracranial electrophysiological studies of the primate. HF-1 has been used by other research groups.

  • Purdon PL, Millan H, Fuller PL, Bonmassar G. An open-source hardware and software system for acquisition and real-time processing of electrophysiology during high field MRI. Journal of neuroscience methods. 2008;175(2):165-86. Epub 2008/09/02. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2008.07.017. PubMed PMID: 18761038; PMCID: 2855223.
  • Angelone LM, Vasios CE, Wiggins G, Purdon PL, Bonmassar G. On the effect of resistive EEG electrodes and leads during 7 T MRI: simulation and temperature measurement studies. Magnetic resonance imaging. 2006;24(6):801-12. Epub 2006/07/11. doi: 10.1016/j.mri.2006.01.006. PubMed PMID: 16824975.
  • Bonmassar G, Millan H, Purdon P, Belliveau J, editors. Noise Immunity in Electroencephalogram (EEG) Recordings at High-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). 2007 IEEE International Symposium On Electromagnetic Compatibility; 2007 8-13 July; Honolulu, HI.
  • Bonmassar G, Purdon PL, Jaaskelainen IP, Chiappa K, Solo V, Brown EN, Belliveau JW. Motion and ballistocardiogram artifact removal for interleaved recording of EEG and E.P.s during MRI. Neuroimage. 2002;16(4):1127-41. Epub 2002/08/31. PubMed PMID: 12202099.
  • Bonmassar G, Purdon PP, Belliveau JW, editors. General Electrophysiology System for MRI. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 11th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, July 10-16, 2003; 2003; Toronto, Canada.
  • Purdon P, Ahveninen J, Angelone L, Vasios C, Williams J, Brown E, Bonmassar G, editors. Auditory Brainstem And Cortical Structures Are Coupled To Spontaneous Fluctuations in 40-Hz Assr: A Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Study at 3 and 7 Tesla. 35th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience; 2005 November 12 - 16, 2005; Washington, DC, USA.