Key Team
We are a team of scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs developing Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compatible neural electrodes and acquisition system for electrophysiology recording and brain stimulation. Our initial
research started out in Analog Brain Imaging Laboratory that paved the way for early stage prototypes to develop and lab bench tested, largely supported with funding from the National Institutes of Health.
Hernan Millan, Interim CEO
- Lead engineer of High-field One system.
- 35+ years of experience as electrical engineer.
- Principal Investigator of Phase I SBIR.
Giorgio Bonmassar, PhD, Consultant
- Co-founder of EMRI Systems and the inventor of patented MR compatible subdural electrodes (PTFOS) and High-field one system.
- Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital.
- Ph.D. from Boston University and postdoctoral in Radiology at Harvard Medical School.
Hesam Sadeghian, Business Contact / PR
- An inventor and Software Engineer by background
- Hands-on experience with early-stage launches and startup development (seeds, SBIR grants, IP & licensing, key operational infrastructures)
Patrick Britz, PhD, Business Advisor
- Former CEO of Brain Vision LLC and former V.P. of sales and marketing at Brain Products , the market-leading company for EEG &fMRI
- Vastly contributed to the economic success of companies such as CGX, NIRx, and CREMedical
- Invitee to many NIH workshops to project on emerging technologies with transformative impact on human neuroscience.